Multimodal Transport

Multimodal Transportation is a form of transportation made by using more than one type of transportation with different transportation vehicles or units. In multimodal transportation, the cargoes continue on their way with different transportation routes by being transferred from the container they are in to another container. In the multimodal transport system, only one transport contract is made for all the transport routes used between the loading and destination points. In multimodal transportation, the entire journey is not a process consisting of separate stages, but an integrated system.

The multimodal transportation model is an environmentally friendly type of transportation and the destruction of thousands of hectares of forest every year is prevented by this transportation model.

Multimodal transport type; Compared to road transport, it is an extremely ecological transport model that does not cause environmental pollution, as it provides up to 75% lower CO2 emissions.

Since it offers regular loading, transportation and unloading opportunities, it offers the advantage of being able to easily monitor and control. It provides a constant transportation time and the opportunity to make more realistic plans without being affected by weather and road conditions.
